The training takes place over three consecutive academic years (September to June), each of 30 calendar weeks, divided into six semesters.
The LICENTIATE student is enrolled in two institutions:
- the CMDL, where he receives almost all of his teachings, three days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday).
- Université d’Évry Val d’Essonne, where he takes courses one day a week (Wednesday) for his Musicology degree
Training content:
The overall content of the training is organized in the following way, divided evenly between practical, theoretical, cultural and methodological courses:
At CMDL – 3 days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday)
Instrument, deciphering / Ear / Rhythm / Harmony / Writing, composition and arrangement / Ensemble repertoire jazz / Ensemble repertoire originaux / Ensemble repertoire «esthétique» / Big band / Sonorisation / Informatique Musicale / Studio / Histoire du Jazz / Connaissance de l’environnement professionnel / Master-class / concerts / …
Evry Val d’Essonne University – 1 day a week (Wednesday)
English and two musicology lessons
To know the details of the educational program, please refer to the information package (in french).