Musicology Bachelor Degree

Initial and life-learning course

The Bachelor Musicology – Jazz and Improvised Music course at CMDL allows:

  • Provide a working method to master instrumental technique and acquire a real artistic dimension
  • Develop individual creativity and personal projects
  • Acquire jazz culture and knowledge of jazz styles by consolidating rhythmic, harmonic and melodic concepts (improvisations, interpretations)
  • Empower and adapt to all work situations

Training leads to two degrees:

The Musicology Bachelor
The student is trained at the CMDL and at the University of Evry Val d’Essonne to obtain his musicology bachelor. He thus acquired a first university level of knowledge and skills in jazz and improvised music. He strengthens his general culture and his mastery of information and communication technologies. The degree level allows a continuation of studies in master.

CMDL Diploma
The Didier Lockwood Music Centre awards the CMDL diploma to students with a general grade higher than 70% in exams. It certifies a high level of mastery in jazz and improvised music.

The training takes place over three consecutive academic years (September to June), each of 30 calendar weeks, divided into six semesters.


The LICENTIATE student is enrolled in two institutions:

  • the CMDL, where he receives almost all of his teachings, three days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday).
  • Université d’Évry Val d’Essonne, where he takes courses one day a week (Wednesday) for his Musicology degree


Training content:

The overall content of the training is organized in the following way, divided evenly between practical, theoretical, cultural and methodological courses:

At CMDL – 3 days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday)
Instrument, deciphering / Ear / Rhythm / Harmony / Writing, composition and arrangement / Ensemble repertoire jazz / Ensemble repertoire originaux / Ensemble repertoire «esthétique» / Big band / Sonorisation / Informatique Musicale / Studio / Histoire du Jazz / Connaissance de l’environnement professionnel / Master-class / concerts / …

Evry Val d’Essonne University – 1 day a week (Wednesday)
English and two musicology lessons

To know the details of the educational program, please refer to the information package (in french).

The LICENCE training allows:

Access to the contest (IUFM, Capes, Aggregation, etc.)

Further study in higher education (Master, PhD, etc.)

Entering the life of a professional musician

To take the BACHELOR in life learning Education Entrance Examination, the candidate must:

  • Hold a National Musician Career Path Diploma (DNOP) or a Musical Studies Diploma (DEM) JAZZ.*
  • To be a professional musician, you must have a minimum of 2 years of service in the profession and 48 postings in the last 2 years prior to applying for training.
  • Have been away from school for more than 2 years.


*POSSIBLE OVERRIDE, to be completed when you register online.

The annual cost of the training (initial training) is as follows:

  • 3000€ CMDL registration
  • about 172€ registration at the University of Evry Val d’Essonne
  • about 92€  from CVEC (Student Life and Campus Contribution)

About 3264€ per year.

The annual cost of training (life learning) is as follows:

  • 7000€ CMDL registration
  • about 172€ registration at the University of Evry Val d’Essonne
  • about 92€ from CVEC (Student Life and Campus Contribution)

About 7264€ per year.

If you have limited resources, you may be eligible for a scholarship, help to finance your education.

Stock exchanges on social criteria (BCS)
The aid is awarded on the basis of three criteria: the income of the tax household, the number of tax-dependent children of the family and the distance from the place of study. For more information, simulation and BCS application, visit Don’t wait for the result of the competition to evaluate your opportunity to receive a scholarship!

Emergency aid

The National Emergency Relief Fund provides a rapid response to precarious student situations. There are two specific types of aid: one-time aid for students who are experiencing serious difficulties, or annual aid for students who are experiencing lasting difficulties.
For more information, visit

Registration opens : December 2024
DAP (for non-Eurioean foreigners) : December 15, 2024
Registration closes : March 15, 2025
Eligibilioty test results : April 2025
Practical admission tests : May 2025
Results : June 2025



  • 1 photo ID
  • 1 copy of a duplex ID
  • 1 Cover letter
  • 1 Curriculum Vitae
  • Viewing links for your video footage (minimum trio): your interpretation of one of the ten imposed themes and a piece of your choice.
  • The scores of the 2 free songs, for the rhythm section (double bass, drums and piano and two scores for the jury), written with music score software (2 pages max. per piece).
  • 1 online payment will be requested, corresponding to the application fee of 70 euros
Additional Document for Continuing Education Candidates
  • Employment or Entertainment Credits for the last 2 years.


  • An academic certificate from your institution for the current year, if graduation with a baccalaureate (or equivalent) in 2022
  • A copy of the Baccalaureate or equivalent diploma
  • A copy of the Baccalaureate transcript or equivalent
  • A copy of the last transcript, if higher education is in progress
  • A copy of the diploma obtained or last transcript, if previous higher education
  • A copy of the DEM Jazz or DNOP Jazz
  • A school certificate from your institution with details of the courses taken, whether DEM Jazz or other musical studies in progress.
  • A copy of the Certificate of Achievement or Education for all other prior musical training



  • 1 copy of the Foreign Higher Education Access Diploma (with sworn translation)
  • 1 copy of the foreign higher education diploma
  • 1 copy of the diploma or graduation certificate for any foreign musical diploma
  • 1 University PAD Application Receipt (Non-EU Foreign Applicants Only)
  • 1 Certificate of Comparability for a Foreign Degree from ENIC NARIC France
  • 1 Certificate of recognition of study and/or training abroad issued by ENIC NARIC France

To obtain these attestations, you will find the procedure to be followed on the ciep “comment obtenir une attestation?”


When registering online, the applicant must provide links to watch video recordings. The candidate will have to play on these videos (in trio minimum) 1 free piece, as well as a piece chosen from the list of 10 imposed pieces.

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