Professional course


Professional Jazz and Improvised Music training at CMDL allows:

  • Provide a working method to master the instrumental technique and acquire a real artistic dimension,
  • Develop individual creativity and personal projects,
  • Acquire jazz culture and knowledge of jazz styles by consolidating rhythmic, harmonic and melodic concepts (improvisation, interpretation),
  • To be autonomous and able to adapt to all work situations.


Upon completion of the training, the trainee will be able to:

CMDL Diploma
The 1st year certificate is obtained after validation of the first two semesters. The 2nd year certificate is awarded after validation of the 4 semesters. At the end of these 2 years of training, the trainee with an overall score of more than 70/100 will be awarded the CMDL diploma. It certifies a high level of mastery in jazz and improvised music.

In June 2020, the trainees who decided to do only one year of training all obtained their 1st year certificate. Of the trainees who completed their training after 2 or 3 years, 85% obtained their certificate (2nd or 3rd year) and 62% obtained their CMDL diploma.


Professional Certification “Musician Artist of Contemporary Music” (AMMA) level 5 (Bac+2)
As a member of the FNEIJMA (Fédération Nationale des Écoles d’Influence Jazz et Musiques Actuelles), the CMDL is authorized to train and present musicians under the title AMMA (Artiste Musicien des Musiques Actuelles). This title is registered with the RNCP (National Directory of Professional Certifications).

It makes it possible to develop and/or consolidate your professional project, to attest to technical, artistic and, for those who so desire, teaching skills, today indispensable for the professional development of musical artists(nes).

The Certificate “Performing a Work of Contemporary Music” (IOMA)
As part of its membership of the FNEIJMA, the CMDL is also authorized to train and present musicians to the certification «Interpret a Work of Contemporary Music». This certification aims to guarantee the technical and artistic skills necessary to the musician(ne) performer of current music wishing to practice in the sectors of the live performance, the phonographic industry and the audiovisual. This title is registered in the specific directory.

It allows the musician(ne) performer to acquire and have his professional know-how and skills recognized in current music and thus increase his adaptability to the different professional activities.

DEM Jazz
Thanks to the partnership established with the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Départemental Val Maubuée in Noisiel, the professional training of the CMDL gives access to the tests for obtaining the Diploma of musical studies JAZZ. It is the highest French musical diploma awarded by the conservatories.

Organization and content of vocational training:

  • It takes place over two years divided into four semesters. However, the trainee can register for one year and renew his application the following year. Classes run from September to June, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
  • Divided evenly between practical, theoretical, cultural and methodological teachings, the overall content of training is organized as follows:

Instrument, deciphering / Ear / Rhythm / Harmony / Writing, composition and arrangement / Ensemble repertoire jazz / Ensemble repertoire originaux / Ensemble repertoire «esthétique» / Big band / Sonorisation / Informatique Musicale / Studio / Histoire du Jazz / Connaissance de l’environnement professionnel / Master-class / concerts / …

  • In addition to the professional training program “Le Jazz et les Musiques improvisées”, the AMMA Professional certification or the IOMA certification include a 100-hours and 40-hours “Préparation” module.
  • In addition to the professional training program «Le jazz et les musiques improvisées» the DEM training includes modules of musical training and musical culture that take place on Wednesdays at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Départemental Val Maubuée in Noisiel

Please refer to the information package for the details of the teaching programme.

CMDL training allows

  • To obtain the CMDL diploma.
  • To pass the tests for obtaining the AMMA  professional certification or the IOMA certificate (in partnership with the FNEIJMA).
  • To pass the tests for obtaining the DEM jazz (in partnership with the CRD Val Maubuée de Noisiel).
  • To fit into the life of a professional musician.

To enter the CDML entry competition, the candidate must:

  • Must be at least 18 years old*
  • Have a good instrumental and theoretical level. No musical degree is required.

*POSSIBLE OVERRIDE, to be completed when you register online.

The cost of the training is 6400€ per year.


However, if the trainee funds his training himself, the CMDL supports him by lowering tuition fees. The price of the training is then 5000€ per year.

A scholarship may also be awarded for the second year on the basis of seriousness, attendance and income.


Cost of trainingScholarships if self-financingStock market: net price to pay
1st year of study6400 euros1400 euros5000 euros
2nd year of study6400 eurosBetween 2600 and 3500 eurosBetween 1900 and 2800 euros

Vocational Training Funding Schemes:
Depending on the personal situation of the trainee (artist-performer, artist-author, job seeker or others), various funding agencies for continuing training may be requested. This training is notably eligible for the CPF (Personal Training Account)*. We invite you to contact the AFDAS or the OPCO that your employer depends on. You can also turn to your Region or your Employment Advisor.

As a training partner for cultural, communication, media and leisure professionals, AFDAS offers several financing solutions according to your status (Skills Development Plan, CIF, etc.). The professional training “jazz and improvised music” is agreed by AFDAS. To be funded, you must have at least 2 years of service as a professional musician and 48 postings in the last two years preceding the application for entry into training. Learn more >>>

Your region
This territorial authority is mobilized to help young people to train and facilitate their professional integration. Check with your region to find out what aids are in place.

Employment Division
Where existing financing arrangements (those of local authorities, OPCO, etc.) cannot support your training project, partially or fully, Contact your Employment Division advisor to see if you can benefit from an Individual Training Assistance (AIF) that will help finance the educational costs of your training.

  • Registration opens : December 2024
  • Closing date : March 15, 2025
  • Eligibility test results : April 2025
  • Practical admission tests : May 2025
  • Results : June 2025



  • 1 photo ID
  • 1 copy of a duplex ID
  • 1 cover letter
  • 1 Curriculum Vitae
  • Links to view your video footage (minimum trio): your interpretation of one of the ten imposed themes and one song of your choice.
  • The scores of the 2 free songs, for the rhythm section (double bass, drums and piano and two scores for the jury), written with music score software (2 pages max.)
  • 1 online payment will be requested, corresponding to the application fee of 70 euros


When registering online, the applicant must provide links to watch video recordings. The candidate will have to play on these videos (in trio minimum) 1 free piece, as well as a piece chosen from the list of 10 imposed pieces.


The candidates invited to the admission tests will be subjected to the test «interpretation of standard without partition». On D-Day, each candidate will have to interpret without score the piece chosen by the jury, among the list of 10 imposed themes. He will be accompanied exclusively by the CMDL’s escorts, without any rehearsals beforehand.

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